Ministry Connections

Go therefore and make disciples of all nations

Matthew 28:19

FUMC has a passion for Missions.  We believe in SERVING THE WORLD through international missions as well as local programs.  Many of these groups operate out of our main campus, while some of them exist in the heart of Manhattan and even beyond Kansas.  We believe the words of the Gospel Matthew when Jesus says "whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.”  
Below you will find a list of some of the ministry opportunities that FUMC contributes to.  If you have a passion to serve please contact us so we can get you involved with our teams. 
Thrive! is a nonprofit organization dedicated to the mission of reducing poverty by building skills and relationships that strengthen families and individuals.  

Our vision is to alleviate generational poverty in our community. Thrive! operates very differently from other nonprofits. We invite you to find out more about our long-term “walk with me” approach that pairs individuals in poverty — Leaders — with people who want to help fight the stressors of poverty — Allies.

The FUMC Food Pantry partners with the Flint Hills Breadbasket and is a ministry that provides food for families in the Manhattan area including Manhattan, St. George, Ogden, Riley and Leonardville.    The Breadbasket’s roots can be traced back to 1981 when Tom Mulhern returned from working in Africa with a heightened sensitivity to food insecurity.   Many people latched onto the idea including Edith Stunkle who quickly became a driving force in the opening of the Breadbasket in 1982 .  FUMC soon opened their pantry in partnership with the Breadbasket and that partnership remains strong today.  
The FUMC pantry provides individuals and families with basic food for a week.  Beneficiaries receive a variety of food staples with quantities based upon family size. No referral is necessary from the Flint Hills Breadbasket.  
Thanks to the many volunteers, we’re open every Wednesday from 9:00-11:30 am at 621 Humboldt Street in the Alan Lee Center.   Volunteers and donations are always welcome.  Contact Karen Cole for more information.

Common Table

We continue to offer our Wednesday and Saturday night meals during this COVID time. All meals are offered as "to go meals" for now and are available to ANYONE!  Not interested in eating a meal but you would like to help?  Contact our kitchen coordinator Ryan Likes by email at to see if there may be a volunteer position available that fits your interest!
The full schedule of churches offering meals across Manhattan is available here.
CarePortal brings the needs of hurting children and families in Riley Country to our attention so we can help.  When Child Welfare workers uncover a need, they let FUMC know, giving us the opportunity to help fill those needs.  By signing up today, you will receive emails letting you know there is a need.  There is no obligation for you to fulfill the need unless you are able and want to help.  Sign up for emails by clicking this link
Shepherd’s Crossing is almost entirely dependent upon its wonderful volunteers, who can choose the area to support that best fits their talents or interest.  Talents needed include office assistance and basic operations,  creative newsletter writers and editors, and loving counselors.  

For more information about Shepherds Crossing please visit their website here.  

Anapra, Mexico Trips


In 2000, Antonio and Dina Briones stepped onto the Anapra desert in Mexico and knew that God was calling them to minster to the people of that desolate land. The product of that vision is the Susana Wesley School. First UMC has partnered with the school in Anapra since its beginning. Work teams travel to the school each year and the “Friends of Anapra" fund supports the mission that has been established.
“From the bottom of our hearts, we thank you… and we thank God for so many angels that He has placed around us. Some of them do not even imagine what a great service they have done to God by supporting this noble mission of educating our children in school. Both, Dina and I, feel humbly grateful for such a celebration.”-- Antonio Briones

Tuesday Geezers

This self named group of hard working men come together once a week to help maintain the church in small and big ways.  If you can change a light bulb, check smoke detectors, move furniture or have more advanced skills you might use around the house we have a task for you.   There is always plenty of coffee and great conversation.  

Ogden House of Hope

James 2:15-16 (ESV): If a brother or sister is poorly clothed and lacking in daily food, and one of you says to them, "Go in peace, be warmed and filled," without giving them the things needed for the body, what good is that?

The Ogden Friendship House of Hope is dedicated to helping those in Ogden be clothed and fed. For over 30 years we have been helping the at-risk community of Ogden by providing a number of services that go beyond food.

Harvester's Mobile Food Pantry
4th Tuesday of each Month from 10am-11am